AI powered hiring assistant

Detailed job specifications, AI recommended candidates, interview scheduling, and more. Hire the best candidates effortlessly.

How it works

Step 1

Add company & role information

Start by entering basic details or generating them with AI.
Step 2

Set hiring criteria

Use AI to generate ranking criteria, then drag-and-drop to define what's most important to you.
Step 3

Select knockout questions

Choose questions to effectively identify ideal candidates.
Step 4

Share job posting

Easily create and distribute your job ad on social media.
AI candidate ranking
Step 5

AI candidate ranking

Our AI assesses applications to identify top candidates based on your criteria.
Step 6

Schedule interviews

Quickly shortlist and arrange interviews with leading candidates through Workcraft.

What people are saying…

The level of detail in the job requirements is so surprising!Senior HR professional
So easy to use, I see us saving hours with Workcraft.Talent acquisition executive
What used to take hours, can be done in minutes with even better quality!Head of employee relations
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