Save time & money on your hiring

Competency frameworks, candidate recommendations, interview scheduling, and more. Hire the best candidates effortlessly.

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Hiring is long and expensive

Ever asked yourself one of these questions?
We should've asked the candidate before the call!
Have we received feedback from the interview panel yet?
Did you review the 20 candidates we got from the recruiter?
How many interviews do we have scheduled for this week?
What's the status on the candidate?
Is the candidate free tomorrow at 4 for a call?
How are we tracking against our hiring timeline?
The candidate doesn't know our stack!

You're not the only one!

Hiring managers are often overwhelmed with tasks that shouldn't matter: getting job requirements from line managers, spending hours looking at resumes, going back and forth with candidates on availability.Sometimes, only to lose the perfect candidate because things didn't move fast enough.

Let there be AI

Workcraft uses AI in all its workflows to speed things up so you can focus on things that truly matter: the people.

Competency frameworks

Develop precise competency frameworks to effectively evaluate candidates.

Competency framework

Next.js DevelopmentSkill
Proficiency in developing web applications using Next.js framework.
TypeScript ProgrammingSkill
Proficiency in programming with TypeScript for building robust applications.
Team Leadership and MentorshipBehavior
Ability to lead and mentor a team of engineers, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment.

Big savings

An average HR manager costs about $80k per year. Every second they spend looking at resumes and scheduling interviews is time that could've been spent on something else. Save time and money by offloading the tedious work to our AI.

Savings calculator

Time saved* Based on testing feedback
Money saved* Based on data from Glassdoor

AI recommended candidates

No more spending hours every day going through resumes to pick the best candidates. Our AI does that for you in seconds.

Candidate evaluation

Next.js DevelopmentCandidate has led development of complex Next.js applications and has 6 years of experience optimizing performance.
Prisma ORMCandidate has designed and managed complex database schemas using Prisma.
TypeScript ProgrammingCandidate has mentored team members on best practices and advanced features of TypeScript.
Deployment and Hosting (Vercel)Candidate has led the deployment of complex applications on Vercel.
Database Management (Supabase)Candidate has 4 years of experience managing complex databases on Supabase.
Code Review and Quality AssuranceCandidate has extensive experience in code reviews and quality assurance, demonstrated by leading teams and providing mentorship.
Team Leadership and MentorshipCandidate has led and mentored multiple teams, fostering a collaborative environment.

Hassle free interview scheduling

Tired of emailing candidates back and forth trying to figure out a time that works best for you and them? No worries, we built fantastic interview scheduling. Just connect your calendar and let the candidate book an available slot. Schedule multiple rounds with a click of a button.

Make easy decisions with standardized feedback

Collect the same feedback from everyone on the interview panel and eliminate bias by focusing only on the candidate's skills and qualifications.

Leave feedback

You can leave your feedback about the candidate here.

Easy UI for everyone

We've designed Workcraft to be intuitive and easy to use. Whether you're starting out or have become a power user, we've got you covered. With a focus on accessibility, keyboard navigation, command palette, we've put a lot of love and care into our product to bring you the best experience. Including a beautiful dark mode!
Dashboardshift + 1
Jobsshift + 2
Applicantsshift + 3
Calendarshift + 4
Peopleshift + 9
Hello, Ali
Profileshift + 0
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And so much more!

We have so many other things we're working on. Want to send job offers from within Workcraft? We got you covered. Want to do psychometric tests or other assessments? No problem. Stay tuned for updates.

What people are saying…

So easy to use, I see us saving hours with Workcraft.Talent acquisition executive
The level of detail in the job requirements is so surprising!Senior HR professional
What used to take hours, can be done in minutes with even better quality!Head of employee relations
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